Private Native Forrest
ATL manages the harvesting and sale of the complete range of log products from Private Native Forestry operations on private property to optimise the utilisation of the forest, leave the forest in a healthier growing state and to maximise the financial returns to the landowner.
Private Native Forestry operations
As part of managing a native forest harvesting operation on private property on behalf of the landowner, our responsibility:
applies for and, where necessary, negotiates the conditions of a Private Native Forestry Property Vegetation Plan (PNF PVP) with the EPA.
investigate the need for and, where necessary, obtain any other necessary approvals from other government agencies;
develops a Forest Operations Plan (or Harvesting Plan) for the property in accordance with the Private Native Forestry Property Vegetation Plan (PNF PVP) for the property;
tenders the available timber to the full range of timber processors to achieve the highest residual stumpage for each log product for the landowner and the best utilisation of all log product
negotiates and prepares Sales Agreements with timber processors;
negotiates with and engages suitably qualified roading, harvest and haulage contractors;
supervises roading operations in accordance with the Forest Operation Plan;
supervises harvesting operations in accordance with the Forest Operation Plan.
oversees supply of timber products to timber processors;
invoices timber processors and pay contractors; and
audits the environmental performance of contractors and establishes revenue safeguards